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[E] ligra
[E] ligra
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over 13 years ago
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over 13 years ago
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Just want to keep this bumped up
over 13 years ago
Username: Golden_Ligra When you were banned : Last Saturday Person who banned you: ISoccerplayer Reason you were banned: Griefing nether spawn. Was supposed to be a 24 hour ban, I am still banned.
over 13 years ago
Username: Golden_Ligra When you were banned : Today, Sat 1-28-12 Person who banned you: ISoccerPlayer Reason you were banned: 'Griefing End Spawn' I believe that the end and nether were made lawless, and yet I was banned because some members of dominion were complaining to the mods. Am I wrong in assuming that the nether and end are lawless? Because I know bed bombs are allowed, destruction is allowed, pvp is allowed, then why was I banned? When the people at the end were first getting mad I openly admitted to what I was doing, I didn't lie, I just said "It's not against the rules" and they replied that they knew it wasn't against the rules and that they just wanted me to know they hated me. I wasn't hacking or something so I could place and detonate the beds inside of spawn, I was using them in the area around spawn, so I don't really understand the reasoning behind this whatsoever.
over 13 years ago
lost over 700 mtc plus gold in building materials, I'd really just be happy witht he mtc back i guess. Please use correct format, ( Provide your ingame name )
over 13 years ago